28yrs Post Fontan Today!

Today marked 28 years since my "last planned" open heart, the Fontan. Despite the Fontan's life long challenges and the side effects it has, without it I would not be alive today. The Fontan was still "new" in the medical world when I had it (1971 is when Dr. Fontan came up with the surgery,… Continue reading 28yrs Post Fontan Today!

Dad ~ 18 Months

Dad, Today marks 18 months since you passed. It has been 18 months since I last heard your voice. It has been 18 months of having a void in my life...a void that will always be there because you are no longer around, physically anyways. 18 months since my phone has gotten a text or… Continue reading Dad ~ 18 Months

Congenital Heart Walk and Doing a Q & A video… Need Some Questions

Hello Everyone! I mentioned back in my CHD journey post that I am one of the Co-Chairs of the Central Texas Congenital Heart Walk.  I wanted to share a bit about what the Congenital Heart Walk is and how I got involved. I moved to Texas (Central Texas area) in July 2014.  I have been… Continue reading Congenital Heart Walk and Doing a Q & A video… Need Some Questions

Links to Places I have shared my CHD Journey with in the Past (Radio, TV, Newspaper, etc.)

Hello Everyone! I hope you all have been enjoying my blog so far.  Thank you to all my new blog followers!  Means a lot to me that so many are interested in my life. The past 9 years that I have been part of the Congenital Heart Defect/Disease (CHD) community on and off line I… Continue reading Links to Places I have shared my CHD Journey with in the Past (Radio, TV, Newspaper, etc.)